Young-Min asked:
While watching TV, I saw the '9/8c'. The movie-advertising voice said that the movie will come on 8 pm December 9th. But I don't know How can I read & pronounce '9/8c'.
You read 9/8c as "[at] nine, eight central." When I was a kid, they would put 9e/8c on the screen, which was "nine eastern, eight central," but with the pressure to shorten the durations of everything in broadcast, they dropped the "eastern." Both "eastern" and "central" refer to the time zones. I believe in California the broadcasts say "9/8p," meaning "nine, eight pacific."
Broadcasts on the west coast are delayed 3 hours, so they're on the same schedule as the east coast. I assumed that's why they don't specify "eastern."
That makes sense. Do you know what happens in the Mountain time zone?
Hello, David
Can you explain the different meaning of 'an easy mark' and 'a put-upon type'?
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